A New Role For Howard

June 6, 2017

Dear Friends and Supporters,

When I was 75 years of age, in 2005, I founded WellFound.

I discovered that there were people in this world dying through lack of water, something I could have discovered much earlier in life if I had been interested.

WellFound finds water, builds latrines, provides health care and builds market gardens. Now 12 years later in 2017 WellFound has worked in 77 villages, built 71 wells, 120 latrines and 12 market gardens, 85,923 people have access to safe water. We have done this with the aid of many great friends to numerous to mention. They have put up with me keeping on about people in need. I have enjoyed events such as Walking for Water, Charity Golf Days, Garden Parties, Auctions, Raffles, etc., etc., all to raise money.

The many people who have helped, supported, laughed and cried with me know who they are and I know them. It has not been easy, far from it, but it has always been exciting and rewarding.

Now at 86 years of age I feel it is time to step aside, not down but aside. Technology is proving hard for me and people are asking about succession.

WellFound has been privileged with fantastic Trustees, Malcolm Bryant (Retired) , Gill Shaw, Hayden Measham, Kate Horn, David Horncastle and our Agricultural Consultant, Mary Perner. All have great but very different skills. All have made a very great impact on WellFound, as has our CEO Dr. Antony Kingsley.

I have asked and proposed that David Horncastle be our new Chairman, to which he has graciously agreed. Following degrees from Oxford and Salford Universities, David has worked in industry for many years, recently as Director as Cyber Security for BT and currently as a Non-Executive Director in the UK Government. He has been a Trustee of WellFound since finishing full-time employment in 2015, and visited WellFound’s work in Guinea-Bissau in 2016. I believe David will be a strong leader for WellFound.

I am not going anywhere, I shall be utilising any available time to spread the word, meeting old and new supporters. I will continue to spend time in Africa. I fly to Senegal on the 30th May and to Guinea Bissau on the 20th June to ensure that we continue to get 100% value for money, and continue to help push WellFound forever onwards and upwards.

Thank you for your support, come with me, stay with me, feel the joy of what we achieve.

Howard Measham.

Founder/Chairman Emeritus.

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