WellFound Win National Award

August 20, 2020

We are delighted to announce that WellFound has been honoured with the National Energy Globe Award, Guinea-Bissau for 2015!

Our submission entitled ‘Increasing access to safe water and sanitation facilities in rural communities’ was chosen as the best project of Guinea Bissau, no small feat when over 170 countries handed in a total of over 1500 entries!

Congratulations to all at WellFound who have and are still working on this project!

The Energy Globe Awards are a campaign under the patronage of UNESCO and done in cooperation with UNEP. Energy Globe have been working for 30 years to educate people about the sensible and economical use of resources and the use of renewable energy forms with the help of Best Practice.

The projects of all National Energy Globe Winners were presented on 5th June, the UN’s World Environment Day, to a global public on www.energyglobe.info.

Our submission is now being evaluated automatically on the international level too and we will find out if we have nominated for the Energy Globe World Award in winter.

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